
One Comment

  1. Posted March 18, 2024 at 9:24 pm | Permalink

    In the land of HADES it is a plaza,
    So many dead all and sundry women and children first, For all intents and purposes they are cursed,
    Their lands and has been for thousands of years, now the rain falls in the form of blooded tears,
    Not for the first time the weak have no choice but to lye prostate before the strong, begging just to live, for the hungry have you any food you could give, the crumbs falling from your marble table would suffice, clean water to drink now that would be nice,
    Generations of a proud people wiped out
    And shown no mercy, all because they happen to be wearing the wrong jersey,
    They call it a war, the perpetrators are rotten to the core, A war takes two evenly matched armies fighting it out winner takes all,
    This is genocide by any other name,
    The want for the land is the game,
    People play, since the dawn of time its been that way,
    I myself am wary, I can see the reaction and its scary,,.
    So please get in line, if you have a big gun, sure you be fine.

    Anthony Mc Gann
    16/3/24. 5.52am.

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