Sir I have lost my keys

One Comment

  1. Posted August 10, 2022 at 7:32 pm | Permalink

    Sir I have lost my keys;-
    I cannot find the key,
    That leads to your door, for this it cannot be,
    I left it on the floor, I keep on knocking,
    but I can’t get in, why you put my cv in the bin,
    Do not forsake, after all images I make,
    Heads turn to take a second look,
    Normally they don’t give a fuck,
    One key fits all, except that one down the hall,
    Only the few gain access to within,
    Not for those who maybe have a sin,
    But to someday win, not silver or bronze,
    But gold, behold, the meek inherit their right,
    Just to fight, with dreams in hand,
    Maybe someday someone might understand.
    Anthony Mc Gann,

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