Sleep Walk

Oil painting

One Comment

  1. Posted July 2, 2016 at 8:04 pm | Permalink

    2/6/16 He is out walking in the only place he feels himself and feels completely free to be at one and is at one with Mother Earth, in other words this image is total recall of a dream and as with all his dreams this one was very lucid and so real, its hard sometimes to tell whether life itself is not just a dream a dream I hope I never wake from.
    The sun sets on yonder horizon and as always he follows his star as he knows it will lead him to his next challenge and will guide and aid him as he walks past the tree of life and then enters it, then past that old bush that just keeps on burning, he is walking on the earth but the earth feels and looks like flesh as it is warm and soft under his bare feet, he cannot see but he feels the colors and recognizes the sound each one makes and then he begins to rise and float through the space and listens but hears nothing but feels good as he is with Mother.

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