AX 3


One Comment

  1. Posted November 4, 2016 at 5:40 pm | Permalink

    The withered leaves—

    They lye all around us there use no longer needed
    But nay I say the message within should not go unheeded
    For it has been so, since the beginning of time
    And as the aeons pass it is they who have constructed this world of mine.
    Layer upon layer they have laid their bodies down
    Enveloping the earth with it’s fertile gown,
    Into which the seed of mankind was sown,
    And the tree of life since has grown and grown,
    This tree sheds leaves as all trees do,
    ” What leaves are these” why it’s only me and you,
    For is not what this life is all about, you help the tree to grow,
    By giving yourself to life as best you can,
    You help mankind to grow, but don’t be a desperate man,
    Just be yourself and eventually you find a purpose,
    But do it slowly and steady and with honesty I suppose,
    For the time will come when you will be shed,
    By this tree of life, but be careful you don’t land on your head.

    Written by Anthony Mc Gann. 4/11/2016

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