
One Comment

  1. Posted February 2, 2023 at 4:16 am | Permalink

    Background :-
    Accent is your identity, body language your attitude, shape your lineage. Your walk your rearing, if you listen your a sap, if you whistle your a thick, do what your told, your a wanker, break the rules, your no fool, smash a few heads your one of the lads, do a few gaffs, that’s good for a laugh, Rob a car that’s one too far, get chased by the law, haw haw haw, get fucked out of the school on your back, same old crack, can’t get a job coz your only a yob, end up in court, in line you are fourth, not guilty is your plea, it wasn’t me, case dismissed coz you were pissed, the wrong side of the tracks I was born, look at me now all tattered and torn, day to day is the way I play, you never know there may come a day, my day,.
    Anthony Mc Gann

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