
One Comment

  1. Posted April 6, 2022 at 2:59 pm | Permalink

    Some People;-
    Some people are evil to the core, full of themselves and riddled with contradictions,
    It matters nothing to them who they harm or hurt with there conspictions,
    They think of no-one but themselves and what’s more,
    There greed and Hunger for money and material things puts aside emotions of love and care,
    All they say and think of this is,” fair is fair”,
    But there is nothing fair in what they do or say,
    As long as they feel satisfied and there gut is full to them all is okay,
    But let me tell you and of this I am sure,
    It may seem impossible but for this there is a cure,
    It’s not to say treat like with like,
    Or when you encounter such people you take a hike,
    But stand aside and time will tell,
    As someday these people will go straight to hell.

    Anthony Mc Gann. 17/9/2016

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