
One Comment

  1. Posted May 22, 2022 at 8:09 pm | Permalink

    Signs of wear and tear, gaps letting in air,
    Moss is ever present, with the moon in crescent,
    Nightshade, feeling the damp, must light the lamp,
    In my palm a cramp, ever open to offer,
    But alas all in vain, can’t stand the rain,
    What if I sit and let time pass without word,
    All you can hear is the sound of the absurd,
    Strangers pass quietly not a sound, but a shift,
    In space, as they are past, no shadows cast,
    What if I sink, hang on a minute let me think,
    Hoist the mane brace, the wind will carry,
    Hope is this name of sirocco wind now hurry,
    A few repairs will suffice, living on a bowl of rice,
    Offerings of love are nice, think twice,
    But go onto a new day, you know the way,
    You’ve bin there before but never opened the door,
    My feet are sore, in bed I snore, so off I go,
    Giving thanks to so and so.
    Anthony Mc Gann.

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