Meadow brown on clover

One Comment

  1. Posted July 11, 2022 at 3:06 pm | Permalink

    Meadow brown on clover;-
    It must be summer, with so much colour on view, I look with intent and see flowers I never knew, bright mornings, up with the gulls, as they holler and call, it’s up outa bed I start to fall, into a new day, the sun is out, I dress and go roundabout, out to the coast and stare out to sea, on it in a ship I long to be, sail away with this feeling of summer, it’s just a dream, now that is a bummer , butterflies with three stages they come, it sometimes can take a year, but come they will, have no fear, to remind us that we are part, I say this with all of my heart, so my colour is yellow as it’s the colour of spring, I wish I could fly like the butterfly thing, but at least I can give in to the word , that word is love, Like a hand in a glove, it fits as my mind is in bits.
    Anthony Mc Gann.

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