
One Comment

  1. Posted November 29, 2016 at 6:27 pm | Permalink

    29/11/20 Autumn; My life long friends are always there without fail,
    saying things I need to hear,
    They never let me down, as I sit alone coping
    With all my fear,
    The language they speak is pure and simple
    You listen intently with an open mind,
    It seems to awaken that which somehow you
    Have lost,
    An association with nature , next of Kin
    One of a kind,
    Although we get lost sometimes in our struggle
    With life, just trying to cope,
    What my friends are saying to me is ,
    Dear brother never lose your hope,
    Just look at us and how we for milennia
    Have always been around,
    We are here to guide home all ye who
    Are lost and then found,
    All you have to do is look and listen
    To what surrounds you every day,
    It’s all here just for you and may we say
    This is the only way.
    Anthony Mc Gann. 25/11/2016.10.30am.

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