
One Comment

  1. Posted March 18, 2022 at 8:26 pm | Permalink

    Then oblige me with a smile, all the while,
    shadows are to scale, maybe a little pale,
    As I notice their complexion is of yesterday’s blight,
    let me try if I might, take heed of failing eyesight,
    but solid outline make no mistake,
    wings and things with drapery flowing, I’m one for going,
    Where they take my mortal remain, nothing venture nothing gain,
    all I’m sayin, is a want to journey to horizon over yonder,
    you’ll not find no one fonder, in the mystery of the new chance,
    let’s dance and sing, with me doing my thing,
    but time will tell,
    all I have is a dream to sell.
    Anthony MC Gann.

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